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Treasures of the Talmud – Introduction to Talmud [Введение в Талмуд]

Treasures of the Talmud – Introduction to Talmud [Введение в Талмуд]


Original price was: $53.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Readers will find that the Introduction to Talmud is not only indispensable for understanding the Talmud, but also provides a fascinating journey to the very foundations of Jewish culture.

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Treasures of the Talmud – Introduction to Talmud [Введение в Талмуд]

Original price was: $53.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Readers will find that the Introduction to Talmud is not only indispensable for understanding the Talmud, but also provides a fascinating journey to the very foundations of Jewish culture.

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Introduction to Talmud, is a masterful introduction to the beliefs, attitudes, and methods of the sacred text by which the Jewish people have lived and survived through the ages-by the renowned Israeli rabbi, scholar, and teacher.

Rabbi Steinsaltz is the first to capture the flavor and spirit of the Talmud as a human document and to summarize its main principles as an expression of divine law.

This seminal volume makes abundantly clear the importance of the Talmud in the lives of modern Jews.

This book is indispensable to those, who would like to gain an insight into what it is that moves the contemporary Jew and offers a fascinating introduction to the codified oral tradition.

This expanded edition features a new preface by the rabbi, a historical overview of life in the times of the Talmud, and an in-depth look at the content and appearance of the original Talmudic page.

Despite its apparent complexity, the Talmud has clear and precise rules by which it operates. In this comprehensive Introduction to Talmud, Rabbi Steinsaltz provides the essential guidelines for Talmud study. He also describes the historical background of the Talmudic period and the genius of the sages whose wisdom radiates from every page. The structure of the Talmud, its language, and its inner logic are carefully explained. Appendixes on Talmudic weights and measures, a key to abbreviations, and a general index complete this invaluable volume.

Format: 9×11 Hardcover, 381 pp.
Language: Hebrew/Russian
ISBN 10: 5-7349-0006-0
Publisher: Institute for Jewish Studies in the CIS

Эта книга, выдержанная в строго академической форме, – не только превосходное учебное пособие для тех, кто собирается делать первые шаги в изучении Талмуда. Она представляет несомненный интерес и для тех, кто уже его серьезно изучает, поскольку «Введение в Талмуд» – подлинная энциклопедия талмудической терминологии. Помимо описания культурно-исторических условий эпохи составления Талмуда, хронологических таблиц и географических карт, книга включает в себя словари основных употребляемых арамейских слов и понятий, талмудических терминов и приемов исследования, содержит методические рекомендации для начинающих, а также правила чтения и анализа различных талмудических фрагментов. М., 2006, 382 с., твердая обложка, большой формат, илл., карты. Издание 2-е, исправленное.

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Weight 1 lbs


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