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How to run a traditional Jewish household [Традиционный еврейский]

How to run a traditional Jewish household [Традиционный еврейский]


The book about practice of a religious life and observance of tradition in modern world.

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How to run a traditional Jewish household [Традиционный еврейский]


The book about practice of a religious life and observance of tradition in modern world.

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By Blu Greenberg.

Filled with practical advice as well as history, Blu Greenberg’s book is a comprehensive guide to the joys and complexities of running a modern Jewish home.

How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household is a modern, comprehensive guide covering virtually every aspect of Jewish home life. It provides practical advice on how to manage a Jewish home in the traditional way and offers fascinating accounts of the history behind the tradition. In a warm, personal style, Blu Greenberg shows that, contrary to popular belief, the home, and not the synagogue, is the most important institution in Jewish life. 

Divided into three large sections–”The Jewish Way,” “Special Stages of Life,” and “Celebration and Remembering”–this book educates the uninitiated and reminds the already observant Jew of how Judaism approaches daily life. Topics include prayer, dress, holidays, food preparation, marriage, birth, death, parenthood, and many others. 

This description of the modern-yet-traditional Jewish household will earn special regard among the many American Jews who are reexploring their ties to Jewish tradition. Such Jews will find this book a flexible guide that provides a knowledge of the requirements of traditional Judaism without advocating immediate and complete compliance. 

How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household will also appeal to observant Jews, providing them with helpful tips on how to manage their homes and special insights into the most minute details and procedures in a traditional household. 

Herself a traditional Jew, Blu Greenberg is nevertheless quite sympathetic to feminist views on the role of women in Jewish observance. How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household therefore speaks intimately to women who are struggling to reconcile their identities as modern women with their commitments to traditional Judaism.

Format: 9×11 Hardcover, 456pp.
Language: Russian
ISBN 10: 5-93273-094-3
Publisher: Gasharim

книга о практике религиозной жизни и соблюдении традиции в современном мирe написана женщиной для женщин. В ней автор касается всех сторон быта традиционной еврейской семьи ? кашрута, законов семейной чистоты, рождения, смерти, брака, развода, молитв, воспитания и образования детей, проведения еврейских праздников и многого другого. Книгу заключает словарик еврейских терминов, именной указатель и избранная библиография. В США книга выдержала 20 изданий.

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