In honor of Yud Shvat 5785, F.R.E.E. Publishing House & 770 Charity Foundation published the Chasidic discourses of Basi Legani 5725 & 5745 in the Russian language along side the Hebrew text.
The book contains the first five chapters & the 15th chapters of the initial 5710 Maamor of the Previous Rebbe and the Maamorim of 5725 & 5745 the Rebbe.
These translation’s are part of an ongoing project to translate all of the Ma’amarim on Basi Legani into the Russian language.
These ma’amarim were said by the Rebbe in 5725 (1965) and 5745 (1985) and is based on the fifteenth chapter of the Previous Rebbe’s ma’amar Basi L’Gani from 5710 (1950).
The Previous Rebbe wrote a four-part series of ma’amarim based on the verse “Basi L’Gani”, each ma’amar consisting of five chapters, for a total of 20 chapters.
The Previous Rebbe completed the hemshech for publication and instructed that the first part should be distributed on Yud Shvat 5710 (1950) for the yartzeit of his grandmother Rivkah and provided specific days to distribute the following sections.
On that Yud Shvat 5710, the Frierdiker Rebbe passed away.
When the Rebbe accepted the leadership one year later on Yud Shvat 5711 (1951), the Rebbe said a ma’amar (Basi L’Gani) which explained this ma’amar of the Previous Rebbe. This was the first of 38 years in which the Rebbe said a Basi L’Gani ma’amar; these ma’amarim followed a twenty-year cycle of explaining each of the 20 chapters of the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar. Each year, the Rebbe first reviewed the key points of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s ma’amar before going into a detailed explanation of each year’s chapter.
These ma’amarim are based on the pasuk from Shir HaShirim (5:1) which metaphorically refers to Hashem’s relationship with the Jewish people.
Format: 5.5 x 8.5, 136 pages
Language: Hebrew/Russian
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House & 770 Charity Foundation
Published: 2025
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