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The book presents crafts miniature attributes of Jewish life, items for the holidays, prayers and rituals.


The 12 Torah passages for youth to say everyday.

Format: 3×5 Paperback, 32 pp.


About the events of the Polish uprising of 1863 writer analyzes the influence of Jewish nationalism, Polish anti-Semitism, socialism on the events of that time.


The complete opening statements of the Eichmann Trial, translated into Russian. Includes the indictment against Eichmann, Attorney General Gideon Hausner’s opening statement, Eichmann’s attorney’s objections and the court’s ruling.


An invaluable guide to every aspect of keeping kosher, from how to start and maintain a kosher kitchen to the spiritual implications of kashrut as nourishment for the Jewish soul.


This book will offer readers short, but penetrating, lessons with which to enrich their lives.


This book includs more than 1,200 definitions, terms and historical dates in Judaism, together with defining dates according to halacha and our tradition.


Few of Agnon’s stories are told as effortlessly as A Simple Story, yet this engaging tale reveals the profound psychological and social insights of the Nobel Laureate’s finest fiction.


This book is a compelling compendium of insights and vignettes worthy of the attention of anyone who has a curiosity for truth, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.