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Save time and money through an annual subscription to the guides & calendar.


The 12 Torah passages for youth to say everyday.

Format: 3×5 Paperback, 32 pp.


This book includs more than 1,200 definitions, terms and historical dates in Judaism, together with defining dates according to halacha and our tradition.


Body and Soul – Kashrut in the Modern Kitchen, will teach both the simply curious and those seriously considering going kosher – all the whys and how to’s of kosher.


Description of the background, laws and customs of Chanukah.


On the importance of parents giving their children a Jewish Education.


This years calendar features artwork of renowned Israeli artists.


This years calendar features artwork of renowned Israeli artists.


This years calendar features artwork of renowned Jewish artists.


This years calendar features artwork of renowned artists from Israel.


A Guide to Eating Jewishly.


All the laws of family purity in an easy to understand manner.