This books displays famous parables and stories, according to the weekly Parsha, related by the Dubner Maggid, Rabbi Yaakov of Dubna. The Dubner Maggid was known for his powerful and inspirational parables and stories to convey spiritual messages.
Mishley with commentary, by Yitzhak Pintosevich.
Shemot Vol 1: illustrated for children.
Shemot, Vol. 2: illustrated for children.
5 Megilot with interpretations of Rashi, Sforno, Malbim and Torah Tmima
Mishley with commentary, collected from the Tanakh, Talmud, Midrashim.
Divrei Hayamim with commentary of Rashi.
Yechezkel with commentary of Rashi.
Yehoshua with commentaries of Rashi and Abravanel.
Shoftim with the commentary of Rashi and Malbim.
Mishley with commentary of Rashi and RaDaK.