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1,000 years of Ashkenazi culture [Тысяча лет культуры ашкена]

1,000 years of Ashkenazi culture [Тысяча лет культуры ашкена]


One thousand-year history of European Jews, closely bound with history and culture of other people.

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30 - 3920%$23.16
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60 - 9930%$20.27

1,000 years of Ashkenazi culture [Тысяча лет культуры ашкена]


One thousand-year history of European Jews, closely bound with history and culture of other people.

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30 - 3920%$23.16
40 - 5925%$21.71
60 - 9930%$20.27


Authors, scientific their five countries, tell about one thousand-year history of European Jews, closely bound with history and culture of other people.

The materials collected in the book answer why Yiddish culture has not disappeared even with almost annihilation of language on which it developed, and continues to live both in human souls, and in a world civilization.

В книге, написанной авторами из Франции, США, Канады и Англии, рассказано о становлении и развитии идишской культуры в Европе и России, о различных философских, социальных, религиозных и художественных движениях. Отдельные статьи посвящены еврейской составляющей в мировой науке и искусстве и размышлениям о судьбах еврейства после Холокоста.

Format: 9×6 Hardcover, 560 pp
Language: Russian
ISBN 10: 5-7516-0496-2
Publisher: Lechaim, 2006

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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