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Reishit Chochma – Beginning of Wisdom, The Book of Reasons [Начало мудрости. Книга обоснований]

Reishit Chochma – Beginning of Wisdom, The Book of Reasons [Начало мудрости. Книга обоснований]


This edition is addressed not only to experts and historians of astrology, but also those who aspires to understand more deeply a medieval Jewish idea, its scientific and philosophical bases.

Reishit Chochma – Beginning of Wisdom, The Book of Reasons [Начало мудрости. Книга обоснований]


This edition is addressed not only to experts and historians of astrology, but also those who aspires to understand more deeply a medieval Jewish idea, its scientific and philosophical bases.


Ibn Ezra is known for his Biblical commentary, as well as being a traveler, poet, physician and philosopher. In medieval Europe, however, he was most appreciated for his erudition in astronomy and astrology. The treatise “The Beginning of Wisdom” (Reishit Chochma) is an introduction to astronomy and related commentaries.

Treatise on astronomy of Abraham Ibn Ezra, one of the most celebrated and versatile figures from the Golden Age of Jewish culture in Spain.

In addition to the actual translation of a number of Ibn Ezra’s treatises, the book also includes a discussion of Ibn Ezra’s life, his ideas regarding philosophy, medieval astrology and astronomy, and combining faith in G-d with an understanding of the universe.

This edition is addressed not only to experts and historians of astrology, but also those who aspires to understand more deeply a medieval Jewish idea, its scientific and philosophical bases.

  • Format: 5.5×8.5 Hardcover, 552 pp
  • ISBN: 978-965-7412-18-3 / 978-5-9953-0360-2
  • Language: Russian
  • Published: 2015

Впервые на русском языке изданы астрологические сочинения Авраама ибн Эзры, одного из самых прославленных и разносторонне одаренных деятелей эпохи конца золотого века еврейской культуры в Испании. В еврейской традиции Ибн Эзра известен как библейский комментатор, а также путешественник, поэт и философ, а в средневековой Европе его ценили, прежде всего, как астролога. Трактат “Начало мудрости” и комментарии к нему, составившие “Книгу обоснований”, судя по количеству списков и переводов, пользовались большой популярностью в Средние века.

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