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Bein Hamitzarim [Бейн ХаМицарим]

Bein Hamitzarim [Бейн ХаМицарим]


The three weeks are designated as a time of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temples and the resultant galut in which we still find ourselves.

Bein Hamitzarim [Бейн ХаМицарим]


The three weeks are designated as a time of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temples and the resultant galut in which we still find ourselves.


A full three weeks of our year-the three weeks “between the strictures” of Tammuz 17 and Av 9 -are designated as a time of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temples and the resultant galut -physical exile and spiritual displacement- in which we still find ourselves.

Бейн ХаМицарим
Три недели между 17 Тамуза и 9 Ава – это время оплакивания разрушения Храма и наступившнго галута – время физического и духовного изгнания.

  • Format: 4×6 Paperback, 31 pp.
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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