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Chapters from Maimonides “Mishneh Torah”

Chapters from Maimonides “Mishneh Torah”


Includes chapters on belief in G-d, repentance and the World to Come, and the revelation of Moshiach.

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Chapters from Maimonides “Mishneh Torah”


Includes chapters on belief in G-d, repentance and the World to Come, and the revelation of Moshiach.

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Excerpts from the compendium of Jewish law compiled by the major authority in Halacha and Jewish philosophy of all times. Includes chapters on belief in G-d, repentance and the World to Come, and the revelation of Moshiach.

Format: 4.5×6.5 Paperback, 104 pp.
Language: Hebrew/Russian
ISBN 13: 978-965-293-002-6
ISBN 10: 965-293-002-4
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House and SHAMIR

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