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Chasidic Perspectives: A Festival Anthology [С хасидской точки зрения]

Chasidic Perspectives: A Festival Anthology [С хасидской точки зрения]


Thoughtful essays on the Jewish festivals, based on the teachings of the Rebbe.

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Qty discount
Quantity Discount Discounted price
24 - 35 20% $15.16
36 - 53 25% $14.21
54 - 99 30% $13.27

Chasidic Perspectives: A Festival Anthology [С хасидской точки зрения]


Thoughtful essays on the Jewish festivals, based on the teachings of the Rebbe.

In stock

Qty discount
Quantity Discount Discounted price
24 - 35 20% $15.16
36 - 53 25% $14.21
54 - 99 30% $13.27


Thoughtful essays on the Jewish festivals, based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Each penetrating, scholarly essay shows a meticulous insight into the history, understanding and visceral meaning of these celebrated days.

Adapted by Rabbi Alter B. Metzger.

Format: 5.5×8.5 Hardcover, 232 pp.
Language: Russian
ISBN: 978-0-86639-004-0
Publisher: Lechaim and F.R.E.E. Publishing House

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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