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Fusion (DVD) – Hebrew

Fusion (DVD) – Hebrew


Modern Science Moving toward Torah.

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30 - 3920%$19.96
40 - 5925%$18.71
60 - 9930%$17.47

Fusion (DVD) – Hebrew


Modern Science Moving toward Torah.

In stock

Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$19.96
40 - 5925%$18.71
60 - 9930%$17.47


Modern Science Moving toward Torah.

Conceived and presented by Professor H. Branover with guest Nobel laureate Dr. Arno Penzias and Professor Yuri Vladimirov.

For two hundred years, we have been taught that science disproves the existence of G-d, the human soul, and the need for religion. In the course of these two centuries, though, physics, astronomy, biology, and other sciences have dramatically changed to the point that they no longer contradict the Torah. Most of us are unaware that science today is reaching conclusions revealed over 3,000 years ago to Moses on Mount Sinai and later recorded and analyzed by the sages of the Talmud!

Professor Herman Branover, (Head of the Center for Magnetohydrodynamic Studies at Ben Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel) and his two guests Dr. Arno Penzias, Nobel Prize laureate in physics (Vice-President of Bell Laboratories, USA) and Professor Yuri Vladimirov, (Moscow University theoretical physicist) present arguments that shatter popular notions about science. Branover illustrates their points with lab experiments and demonstrations and shows us how the Torah axiom of free will is a necessity for Quantum Physics. They explain how the Creation of the universe for human beings is expressed by contemporary science as the dependency of the physical world on human observation. Referring to philosopher of science Karl Popper’s statement that science is not seeking truth but only the best possible generalization, Branover, Penzias, and Vladimirov confirm that ultimate truth can be found only in religion.

This breakthrough movie is a must for high school and college students, teachers and anyone willing to accept the challenge of truth. This is a popular science movie. People with no background in either science or Torah can understand and enjoy this visual treat.

Produced and directed by Adir Zik. Script by Ehud Tokatly.

Duration: 35min.
Format: DVD
Language: Hebrew
Publisher: F.R.E.E. and SHAMIR

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Weight 1 lbs


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