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Haggadah for Passover Kleinman Large 8¼ x 10¼

Haggadah for Passover Kleinman Large 8¼ x 10¼


A beautiful, Hebrew/English Haggadah with more than 50 illustrations by renowned Chasidic artist Zalman Kleinman. The pictures are inspired by Judaism`s rich oral tradition and Midrashic stories associated with the Exodus from Egypt as well as the text of the Haggadah itself. The questions and discussions they provoke will capture the interest of both children and adults.

Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$17.56
40 - 5925%$16.46
60 - 9930%$15.37

Haggadah for Passover Kleinman Large 8¼ x 10¼


A beautiful, Hebrew/English Haggadah with more than 50 illustrations by renowned Chasidic artist Zalman Kleinman. The pictures are inspired by Judaism`s rich oral tradition and Midrashic stories associated with the Exodus from Egypt as well as the text of the Haggadah itself. The questions and discussions they provoke will capture the interest of both children and adults.

Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$17.56
40 - 5925%$16.46
60 - 9930%$15.37


A beautiful, Hebrew/English Haggadah with more than 50 illustrations by renowned Chasidic artist Zalman Kleinman. The pictures are inspired by Judaism`s rich oral tradition and Midrashic stories associated with the Exodus from Egypt as well as the text of the Haggadah itself. The questions and discussions they provoke will capture the interest of both children and adults.

Includes many NEW features:

  • NEW TYPESET: A complete digital makeover with a crisp, clear and easy-to-read font.
  • CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS: Each part of the Seder is illuminated with clear, step-by-step instructions, which guide the participant through the often-times complicated order of the Seder night, bringing Seder to the Seder.
  • NEW SIZE: Conveniently resized to take up minimum room on the crowded seder table.
  • And more.

Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
Illustrator: Zalman Kleinman
Format: 8¼” x 10¼” Hardcover, 110 pages 

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