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Jewish Tradition, 2 Vol. Set [Еврейская традиция]

Jewish Tradition, 2 Vol. Set [Еврейская традиция]


The books provide basic knowledge for: Jewish Tradition, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Nation, acceptance of the Torah, synagogue, prayers and Israel.

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Jewish Tradition, 2 Vol. Set [Еврейская традиция]


The books provide basic knowledge for: Jewish Tradition, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Nation, acceptance of the Torah, synagogue, prayers and Israel.

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The books could be named «the first acquaintance to the Jewish tradition». Originally intended for teaching senior classes of Russian-speaking Jewish schools. Subsequently the manual has been advanced and today can be used as an introduction for all to familiarize with bases of the Jewish tradition.

Table of Contents
Volume 1:
What is Judaism?
The Jewish people
The main periods of Jewish history
The Giving of the Torah. The commandments
The main books of the Jewish tradition
The synagogue and prayer
The Land of Israel
Principles RambaM

Volume 2:
Islands in Time
Jewish Holidays and Memorable Days: ideas, general rules and laws
The Jewish calendar
Between Pesach and Shavuot
Between the gorges
Days of repentancejudgment and redemption
Tenth of Tevet
The application. Additional questions and tasks
List of recommended literature in Russian

Endorsedby the Association of Principals of Jewish Schools of the CIS and Baltic States.

Photos and illustrations included.

Format: 6×9 Hardcover, 126 pp & 334 pp, 2 Vol.
Language: Russian
ISBN: 978-965-293-050-7 & 965-294-086-5
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House and SHAMIR

Книга дает основные понятия о еврейской традиции, даровании Торы, синагоги, молитве, землe Израиля, приципы Рамбама. Отредактирвано проф. Брановером. Включая фото и иллюстрации.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs


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