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Jewish Wit and Wisdom [Еврейское остроумие]

Jewish Wit and Wisdom [Еврейское остроумие]


Jokes, stories, and sayings are collected and commented, which during centuries told and retold by the European Jews to each other on Yiddish and other languages.

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30 - 3920%$19.16
40 - 5925%$17.96
60 - 9930%$16.77

Jewish Wit and Wisdom [Еврейское остроумие]


Jokes, stories, and sayings are collected and commented, which during centuries told and retold by the European Jews to each other on Yiddish and other languages.

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Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$19.16
40 - 5925%$17.96
60 - 9930%$16.77


Format: 7×8 Hardcover, 665 pp 
Language: Russian
ISBN 10: 5-7516-0614-0
Publisher: Text

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