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Jews and Europe [Евреи и Европа]

Jews and Europe [Евреи и Европа]


Devoted to the most complicated and most interesting question of the Jewish history – to a problem of cultural self-identification of Jews in historical and cultural space.

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Quantity Discount Discounted price
24 - 35 20% $15.16
36 - 53 25% $14.21
54 - 99 30% $13.27

Jews and Europe [Евреи и Европа]


Devoted to the most complicated and most interesting question of the Jewish history – to a problem of cultural self-identification of Jews in historical and cultural space.

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Quantity Discount Discounted price
24 - 35 20% $15.16
36 - 53 25% $14.21
54 - 99 30% $13.27


White spots of the Jewish culture – here a subject of steadfast interest of the modern Israeli writer and the culturologist, the doctor of philosophy Denis Sobolev. His book ” Jews and the Europe ” is devoted to the most complicated and most interesting question of the Jewish history – to a problem of cultural self-identification of Jews in historical and cultural space. Who are European Jews? They have What relation they have to Chazars? Whether there Is outside of Israel a Jewish literature? What Jews-artists in the European and world culture have introduced? It is only a small part of questions which the author tries to answer.

Format: 9×11 Hardcover, 477pp. 
Language: Hebrew/Russian
ISBN 10: 978-5-7516-0723-4 
Publisher: Text

Белые пятна еврейской культуры – вот предмет пристального интереса современного израильского писателя и культуролога, доктора философии Дениса Соболева. Его книга “Евреи и Европа” посвящена сложнейшему и интереснейшему вопросу еврейской истории – проблеме культурной самоидентификации евреев в историческом и культурном пространстве. Кто такие европейские евреи? Какое отношение они имеют к хазарам? Есть ли вне Израиля еврейская литература? Что привнесли евреи-художники в европейскую и мировую культуру? Это лишь часть вопросов, на которые пытается ответить автор.

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