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Kol Menachem Chumash – Russian Edition [Хумаш]

Kol Menachem Chumash – Russian Edition [Хумаш]


Original price was: $89.95.Current price is: $63.95.

This edition of the Chumash (Pentateuch) has become the text of choice for scholars and laymen around the world.

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30 - 3920%$51.16
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Kol Menachem Chumash – Russian Edition [Хумаш]

Original price was: $89.95.Current price is: $63.95.

This edition of the Chumash (Pentateuch) has become the text of choice for scholars and laymen around the world.

In stock

Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$51.16
40 - 5925%$47.96
60 - 9930%$44.77


Introducing the Russian edition of Kol Menachem Chumash — a publication of the Pentateuch.

This Kol Menachem Chumash (Pentateuch) has become the text of choice for scholars and laymen around the world.

The soulful, modern Russian translation is outstandingly readable and provides an enjoyable, engaging encounter with the text. This edition is unique in its presentation of “Classic Questions” – the questions underlying more than one hundred Torah commentaries.

The “Toras Menachem” commentary is culled from the extensive lectures and notes of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on classical and Hassidic interpretations, with special attention to his studies of Rashi’s commentary.

Torah translations are guided by a variety of approaches, and a great deal of debate occurs over which most effectively communicates. Most translations, however, suffer distortions produced by author biases and personal theology. Rather than hide translation decisions, this edition clearly demarcates where it has borrowed interpretations going to the length of indicating those points with parentheses. The result is an honest and unswerving effort that also affords the reader outstanding readability and an enjoyable, engaging encounter with the text.

Also features:

  • Classic Commentary drawn from Rabbinic commentators, Midrash and Talmud.
  • Full Hebrew text of Rashi and Onkelos in crisp, clear type.
  • Hundreds of Chassidic insights into Chumash from the Lubavitcher Rebbe
  • Full Text of Haftarot according to all customs (Ashkenazic, Chabad & Sephardic)


Format: 8 x 9.25. Hardcover. 1632 pp. 8 per case.
Language: Hebrew/Russian
ISBN: 9781913707125 [& 9785995309055 & 978-0-86639-112-2]
Published: 2024


Bulk discounts available. Email: orders@jrbooks.org.

Хумаш [Тора]

Пять книг Торы с комментарием из классических раввинистических текстов и трудов Любавичского Ребе.

Хаим Миллер

перевод с английского Михаэль Мирлас, перевод текста Торы Давид Сафронов.

В издании собраны тексты Хумаша (Пятикнижия Моисеева), комментариев Раши, перевода Онкелоса и ѓафтарот в сопровождении комментария, составленного на основе антологии классических раввинистических текстов и трудов Любавичского Ребе Менахема-Мендла Шнеерсона.

Фундаментальный подход к толкованию Торы, учитывающий современные реалии, делает размышления предшественников несомненно более доступными для широкого круга читателей, открывая таким образом перед нами новые горизонты.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs


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