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Mincha Maariv for Weekdays – Annotated Edition

Mincha Maariv for Weekdays – Annotated Edition


Adapted from the popular Russian Annotated Siddur, this durable pocket Mincha Maariv is conveniently sized for people on the go.

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Mincha Maariv for Weekdays – Annotated Edition


Adapted from the popular Russian Annotated Siddur, this durable pocket Mincha Maariv is conveniently sized for people on the go.

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30 - 3920%$4.76
40 - 5925%$4.46
60 - 9930%$4.17


Mincha Maariv for Weekdays With Russian Translation Annotated Edition

Adapted from the popular Russian Annotated Siddur, this durable pocket Mincha Maariv is conveniently sized for people on the go.

Some of the features of the Annotated Series include:
* Shaded boxes indicate prayer changes for special occasions
* Transliterated essentials, like Kaddish and Borchu, appear as needed – no page flipping necessary
* Transliterated Birkat Hamazon and Sheva Brachot for both Ashkenazi and Sephardic pronunciation
* Instructions for sitting, standing, and other customs
* Russian instructions appear on both the Russian and Hebrew pages
* Headings identify major prayer sections

All this in a clear new Russian and Hebrew typesetting.

This volume includes: Counting the Omer, blessings on food and other occasions and Prayer for Travelers.

Order this Mincha Maariv for your Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or any special occasion and we will gold stamp it with your name, date, logo, monogram and message – free of charge!

Bulk discounts available. 

Format: 3.75×5.75, Softcover, 208pp.
Language: Hebrew/Russian
ISBN: 978-0-86639-032-3
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House
Published: 2013

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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