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My Prayer

My Prayer


Drawing upon a wide range of sources from Miamonides to the Chasidic masters, the author explains the deeper meanings of the morning, afternoon and evening prayers, the Grace After Meals, and the prayer before going to bed.

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My Prayer


Drawing upon a wide range of sources from Miamonides to the Chasidic masters, the author explains the deeper meanings of the morning, afternoon and evening prayers, the Grace After Meals, and the prayer before going to bed.

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A new dimenstion to the daily prayers opens up with this modern commentary that has become a classic. Drawing upon a wide range of sources from Miamonides to the Chasidic masters, the author explains the deeper meanings of the morning, afternoon and evening prayers, the Grace After Meals, and the prayer before going to bed. The Siddur, compiled by our Prophets and Sages, is both a tool with which we communicate our thoughts and feelings towards G-d and a text instructing us in the basic tenets of Judaism. When properly understood, it offers a wealth of ethical and moral teachings and sublime concepts. Prayer, our communication with the One Above. In this most awesome of books on the topic, the author offers a wealth of ethical and moral teachings to enlighten the reader on this most important daily task.

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Weight 2 lbs


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