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Why Noah Chose the Dove? [Почему Ной выбрал голубя?]

Why Noah Chose the Dove? [Почему Ной выбрал голубя?]


This bible history was retold by well-known writer Isaak Bashevis Singer. His books read all over the world both adults, and children. He has received the most honourable for the writer the award – the Nobel Prize.

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Why Noah Chose the Dove? [Почему Ной выбрал голубя?]


This bible history was retold by well-known writer Isaak Bashevis Singer. His books read all over the world both adults, and children. He has received the most honourable for the writer the award – the Nobel Prize.

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30 - 3920%$12.76
40 - 5925%$11.96
60 - 9930%$11.17


Originality Bashevis handwriting, his artistic discoveries embodied in the “adult” novels and stories, and easily recognizable in the works for children.

Simplicity and directness of language intonation eliminate the distance between the text and the reader little, give reading intimate, personal character.

All these qualities are the author’s style could not be more appropriate stories that Singer often draws from Jewish religious literature.

Such is the story of Noah and the dove – in different variations can be found in rabbinic literature.

Growing up in a rabbinical family and received a traditional Jewish education, Bashevis Singer knew this literature and borrowed from her conviction of Jewish identity and universal. In his works, he remained faithful to the spiritual values of the Jewish tradition and its humanistic pathos .

Format: 70×100/32
ISBN: 978-5-9953-0040-3
Language: Russian


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