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Prayer Principles – Likkut Hachanah L’Tefilah

Prayer Principles – Likkut Hachanah L’Tefilah


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30 - 3920%$6.36
40 - 5925%$5.96
60 - 9930%$5.57

Prayer Principles – Likkut Hachanah L’Tefilah


Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$6.36
40 - 5925%$5.96
60 - 9930%$5.57


In this booklet, we have selected small-in-size yet rich-in-content passages from Tanya along with summaries of Tanya written by theTzemach Tzedek. In these passages, the Alter Rebbe and the Tzemach Tzedek give us direct guidance on what to do and to think in order to fulfill the mitzvos to love and fear Hashem–and, in the process, the rest of the constant mitzvos as well. Once you have studied these passages well and internalized their messages, all you will need is a quick daily review, and you will find that you are able to make a true emotional connection with G-d throughout the day.

Author: Shimon Chyrek
Language: Hebrew/English
Format: 4¼” x 8¼” Paperback, 64 pages

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