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Seder Bircas HaMazon Bi-Fold Laminated Card 6¼ x 8

Seder Bircas HaMazon Bi-Fold Laminated Card 6¼ x 8


Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$2.00
40 - 5925%$1.88
60 - 9930%$1.75

Seder Bircas HaMazon Bi-Fold Laminated Card 6¼ x 8


Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$2.00
40 - 5925%$1.88
60 - 9930%$1.75


Laminated bentcher card, great for camps and schools.

Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
Language: Hebrew
Format: 6¼” x 8″ Bi-Fold Laminated Card

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