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Seeds of Wisdom [Семена мудрости]

Seeds of Wisdom [Семена мудрости]


This book is a compelling compendium of insights and vignettes worthy of the attention of anyone who has a curiosity for truth, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.

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Seeds of Wisdom [Семена мудрости]


This book is a compelling compendium of insights and vignettes worthy of the attention of anyone who has a curiosity for truth, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.

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Based on personal encounters with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson:

“In Seeds of Wisdom Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson has assembled a wonderful series of stories about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, one of the great leaders and holy men of our time. Read it and you will be enthralled. This is true food for the soul.” – Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

“This book is a compelling compendium of insights and vignettes worthy of the attention of anyone who has a curiosity for truth, inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom. For here is a collection of living testimonies as told by the pious and the skeptics, the grand and the humble, each recalling an encounter with the most extraordinary visionary in living memory, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. His influence was global and each encounter with him was a unique and often life-changing experience, as these pages amply illustrate.” – Ambassador Yehuda Avner.

“Rabbi Kalmenson has succeeded in presenting, through brief stories and vignettes, the combined humanity and righteousness of the Rebbe, of blessed memory. It was this combination that enabled the Rebbe to inspire a generation of Jews.” – Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Yeshiva University

“I can’t recall the last time I was as inspired by a ‘Jewish’ book as I was by Seeds Of Wisdom. The genius of it lies in its reduction, its distillation of complex ideas into immediate and potent language. Several of the vignettes gave me goose bumps, others brought me to tears. As with my own personal encounters with the Rebbe, I take away a greater sense of mission and purpose.” – Peter Himmelman – award winning musician and artist.

“Seeds of Wisdom is a valuable resource that makes many important points in a brief, memorable way.” – Joseph Telushkin – lecturer and author of Jewish Literacy and the Book of Jewish Values

“In the genre of books promising short but potent life teachings, one ought to question the source of the wisdom. That’s why Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson’s Seeds of Wisdom is so valuable. Rabbi Kalmenson recounts more than a hundred important vignettes packed with life-lessons, both on the surface and between the lines, from the genuine and profound Hasidic wisdom of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The accessibility of the gentility, insightfulness and even humor of the “Rebbe” in Rabbi Kalmenson’s well-written book makes it a great resource for all of us seeking to live more meaningful lives.” – Barbara Sofer, author, lecturer and Jerusalem Post columnist

ISBN: 9785995303503
Published: 2015
Language: Russian
Format: 12x2x21 Hardcover, 160 pp.

В этой книге собраны фрагменты бесед Ребе — Рабби Менахема-Мендла Шнеерсона (1902–1994) — с самыми разными людьми. Они, имеющие различный жизненный опыт и образование, приходили к нему за советом, иногда приезжая с другого конца земли только затем, чтобы получить его благословение и услышать от него несколько слов. Содержание книги наполнено глубоким смыслом, и создана она с надеждой, что изложенное здесь способно привнести ясность и понимание в вашу жизнь.

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