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Sefer HaChinuch – Volume 2 [Сефер ѓа-хинух]

Sefer HaChinuch – Volume 2 [Сефер ѓа-хинух]


A summary of the 613 Mitzvot arranged according to the weekly Torah portion.

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Sefer HaChinuch – Volume 2 [Сефер ѓа-хинух]


A summary of the 613 Mitzvot arranged according to the weekly Torah portion.

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30 - 3920%$35.96
40 - 5925%$33.71
60 - 9930%$31.47


Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.

The author lists all 613 Commandments following the weekly Torah Readings. He explains the source of each mitzvah, suggests a reason for it and the lesson it contains for us, and provides a summary of its laws. Sefer HaChinuch gives expression to the essence of the mitzvos in a manner that speaks to the heart of the Jew. No other work approaches it in presenting the grandeur and majesty of the 613 Mitzvos.

Russian readers — scholars and laymen alike — can now study and understand Sefer HaChinuch with clarity and in depth, as never before.

This major achievement brings profound understanding of the mitzvos within the reach of every Jew. It also contains the Author’s Introduction, which is an extensive treatise on issues such as the uniqueness of the Jewish People, their tribulations in Exile, and the coming Days of Mashiach. This illuminating perspective on these issues, from the pen of such an authoritative source, is a must-read.

  • Translated by: Rotman, Arye. Editors: Andruschak, Shaul Aizik; Avni Kamyanov Baruch
  • Language: Russian
  • Published: 2016
  • ISBN: 978-5-9953-0423-4
  • Format: 5.5×8.5 Hardcover, 664 pp.


The sixteenth century author Gedaliah ibn Yaḥyah credited the Sefer HaChinuch to Rabbi Aharon HaLevi of Barcelona (1235-c. 1290), but others disagree, as the views of the Chinuch contradict opinions held by HaLevi in other works. This has led to the conclusion that the true author to Sefer HaChinuch was a different Reb Aharon Halevi, a student of the Rashba, rather than his colleague.

«Книга наставления» принадлежит к числу популярнейших книг по иудаизму и часто, наряду с важнейшими классическими комментариями, издается вместе с Пятикнижием в качестве приложения к нему. Она содержит самые необходимые объяснения и истолкования всех шестисот тринадцати заповедей. Помимо ценных сведений, помогающих осознать причины, по которым дана та или иная заповедь, и ее смысл, автор делится своей любовью к заветам Всевышнего. Эта неугасающая любовь живет в книге уже несколько столетий, согревая сердца многих поколений читателей.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs


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