On custom of Sefardic Jews and Natives of East Communities
Transcription Russian letters according to the pronunciation accepted in Israel
Translation of prayers are not given
Prayers are brought in the convenient order, compared and checked up under ancient manuscripts and reprints – how its been complied by Rabbi Josef Haim Mizrahi in the siddur ?Odes Yoseph Chay?
DAYS / Saturday / Holidays
According to custom, Sephardic Jews and people of Eastern communities
Transcription of Russian letters in accordance with the Israeli pronunciation
translation of the prayers is not given
Prayers are in a convenient manner, compared and verified according to ancient manuscripts and reprints – as they gathered Rabbi Yosef Haim Mizrahi in his Siddur “Od Yosef Hai?
Morning blessings ……… 1
vestments in
tsitsit ……………… 8
Overlay tefilina ………….. 9
“Shacharit (morning prayer)
n weekday …………………… 13
13 main principles
Judaism ………………………… 116
Ten reminders
…………. 117
Prayer for
who saw
bad dream ……………………… 117
Prayer about earnings
and nutritional …………………… 120
Prayer against the evil eye
and the recovery of …………… 121
“Petihat Eliyahu, y X, Anab … 123
Mincha (afternoon
Prayer )………………………… 127
Zohar, “Amar Ribi Aba ?…… 157
“Arvit” (evening prayer)
on weekdays and at the end of
Saturday ………………………….. 159
Countdown 49 days Omera ……… 187
moon ………… 192
The prayer uttered
bedtime ……………………… 196
“Eruv tavshilin ?…………….. 201
Shabbat and
festive candles …………. 202
Song of Solomon ………………….. 203
Meeting Saturday ……………… 217
“Arvit” (evening prayer)
on Saturdays and holidays
days ………………………………… 225
Holding Saturday
evening ……………………………. 247
“Kiddush (sanctification)
Saturday night ……………. 250
Evening “Kiddush?
before holidays ………… 252
Zohdr first
Shabbat meal …………… 254
“Birkat x, Amazon?
(blessing after meals) .. 261
blessings before taking
food and beverage ……………… 272
“Meen shalosh” (concluding
triple blessing )……. 273
Honorable blessing .274
?Shacharit” in Saturday
and holidays …………… 275
Blessing Torah …….. 327
“Haftara” (closing
blessing )………………… 328
(prayer of thanks )….. 329
Prayer for the newborn
girl ………………………….. 330
“Musaf (More
prayer) on Saturday
and the beginning of the month ……………. 338
“Musaf” holidays
days ………………………………… 359
Second Shabbat meal … 369
“Kiddush” sabbath day ….. 369
“Kiddush” the festive day .371
Zohar second Saturday
meal ………………………….. 372
“Mincha” on Saturday
and holidays …………… 374
Third Shabbos meal … 395
Zohar third Saturday
meal ………………………….. 396
“Hdvdala” (order
completion Saturday )……….. 398
The order of the Fourth
meal ………………………….. 400
“Hdlel” (praise
God )…………………… 401
“Musaf” at the beginning of the month … 408
Prayer Hanukkah …………… 419
Prayer Purim ……………. 422
Blessing of trees …… 424
Circumcision ……………… 425
The ritual redemption of the firstborn ……. 429
The rite of betrothal and
wedding ……………….. 432
Thanks for reaching
age …………………………. 435
Confessional prayer
for the patient ………………….. 435
“Birkat x, Amazon” in the house
grieving for the dead ….. 436
Consolation grieving ………. 439
“Hdshkavot” (prayer for the souls
deceased )……………………….. 440
Rite Branch challah …….. 441
Rite dipping women
in the mikvah ………………………….. 442
Rite dipping dishes
in the mikvah ………………………….. 442
Blessing mezuzu ….. 443
construction of the fence ………. 444
Ceremony is held in a distant
Path ……………………………….. 444
Prayer in the way ………………. 445
Prayer in the plane ………… 446
Reading the Torah on Monday
and Thursday ……………………… 447
Reading the Torah in the early
month ……………………………. 489
Reading the Torah in the days
public positions ……….. 490
Reading the Torah Chanukah …….. 491
Reading the Torah on Purim ………. 494
Reading the Torah in Hol-hamopd
Pesah ……………………………… 495
Reading the Torah in Hol-hamoed
Sukkot …………………………… 500
Kadish Al Yisrael ?……. 502
Blessed he who EXTEND LIFE WE
And ensure we EXISTENCE,
And gave us to survive until that time!
Thank God that led to the happy hour was finalized Siddur “Karlin Ben David?.
The peculiarity of this Sidura is a parallel arrangement of texts: each prayer in the Assyrian writing (Jewish letters) corresponds to the transliteration of the words in Russian letters – and, in a carefully researched, precise terms.
Jewish law allows you to read the prayer in any language. ( “Shul-han Aruch, chapter 62). However, the commentary “Mishna Brur” explained by the what the prayer of the holy language, has a special effect. Many other comments stressed that even without understanding the meaning of words, it is better to pray in the holy language. Kabala The sages say that the holy language has a special value, and some Thai Nye strength lies in a combination of letters and words of each prayer.
idea to publish such Siddur belongs to Rabbi Minyan and the chairman of the religious council of the town of Or-Yehuda Boris Itshakopu. Realizing the problem of Jews from the former Soviet republics who do not know Hebrew, he proposed to issue a special Siddur, written in Russian letters. God bless him!
But how to implement this idea, what form to give Siddur? And God gave the correct idea: to make Siddur in a way in which today you see it.
For several years I kept searching for Siddur that would meet the high standards of accuracy, to adopt it as the basis for our work. The sages say that the man leading the path on which he wants to go. Luck was sent by God: in the hands was Siddur “Od Yogaf Hai”, which is edited and published a Rabbi Yosef Haim Mizrahi. There were no limits to my joy – so happy the man who found a precious diamond. Texts are listed according to ancient sources, a beautiful font – and, most importantly! – Clear vowel and accent, clearly showing how to pronounce a prayer. This makes Siddur convenient and easy to read – which is especially important for beginners.
Based Sidura “Od Yosef Chai”, with the help of God, much has been done. First of all, selected by the main prayers as well as from other sources added extra – the most demanded in the daily lives of people. The new structure Sidura – praying that it was easier to navigate in the texts. The main task was transkripirovat words of prayer in the holy language of Russian letters, not yielding to the accuracy of pronunciation, with all the grammatical requirements, indicating stress.
Invaluable spiritual legacy bequeathed to us the great-grandfather, Rabbi Simcha the son of David, a pupil of the famous Rabbi Elazar Malaeva. David enjoyed the fame and respect among Jews of Central Asia early twentieth century – thanks to their knowledge of the Torah, the beautiful and strong voice, clear and clear pronunciation of each word of prayer. Particularly impressive were his prayers on Yom Kippur, which he pronounced himself from start to finish. Tradition passed to his son Shslomo Davydov, my grandfather, for many years, former Chairman of the Jewish community in Dushanbe. He taught us, sons and grandsons, reverent attitude to prayer, the exact pronunciation of words.
… In the month of Nisan (5753), when I stood at the bedside of Karlin before his death, took over the oath as soon as possible to finalize the Siddur and call him “Ben Karlin, David.” And may it be the desire of God to protect us all the merits of these great men – blessed memory of them!
Hopefully, the Siddur help Jews in Israel and in the countries of the diaspora to join the prayer, and even without knowledge of Hebrew to pronounce it correctly in the holy language. Also those who can read Hebrew, he could benefit – giving the hands of fine-tuned the text, with putting the accent and nekudot.
… Vosstrubi, God, the great horn as a sign of our liberation, and offer a sign of the reunification of the country of exile, and gather us together from all four sides of light in our country, and will reunite the fragmented and scattered, and accept with grace and with the desire of our prayer, and let our eyes see a return to Zion, Your full of grace, and the exaltation of the Temple, home of the beautiful, Amen!
In anticipation of a full recovery Behor Baruch (small), editor and publisher
Format: b> 5×7, Hardcover, 502 pp.
Language: b> Russian, Transliteration
Publisher: b> Behor Baruh
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