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Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol II

Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol II


The First Five Centuries: This second volume covers the key period of the formation of the Jewish civilization – early existence in the diaspora in the West and in the East, and the formation of religious and legal framework of Jewish life – the Talmud. The author explores Jewish history in close connection with the history of the surrounding nations, and shows how the great opposition of Rome and Persia influenced the split between the Palestinian and Babylonian Jewish centers.

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Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol II


The First Five Centuries: This second volume covers the key period of the formation of the Jewish civilization – early existence in the diaspora in the West and in the East, and the formation of religious and legal framework of Jewish life – the Talmud. The author explores Jewish history in close connection with the history of the surrounding nations, and shows how the great opposition of Rome and Persia influenced the split between the Palestinian and Babylonian Jewish centers.

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By Salo Wittmayer Baron

‘A Social and Religious History of the Jews’ was published in 18 volumes between 1952 and 1983, by Columbia University Press (New York) in collaboration with the Jewish Publication Society of America (Philadelphia). 

Salo Wittmayer Baron (1895-1989) received rabbinical ordination at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Vienna in 1920, and earned three doctorates from the University of Vienna: in philosophy (1917), in political science (1922), and in law (1923). He began his teaching career at the Jewish Teachers College in Vienna in 1926. Baron was appointed Professor of Jewish History, Literature and Institutions at Columbia University in 1929, a position he held until his retirement in 1963.

Baron consistently debunks the pages of his book, the traditional view of Jewish history, which the author called the ” lachrymose theory.” Jewish history, says Baron, is not limited to constant harassment and mourning their victims – its most important feature is the ability to survive and prosper in spite of persecution. One of the key moments in Jewish history to support this idea – the era of the Talmud, which ensured the survival of the Jews as a people in the Diaspora and allowed them after the loss of statehood to preserve their identity.

The second volume of “The Social and Religious History of the Jews” Salo W. Baron deals with a key period of the formation of the Jewish civilization – early existence in the diaspora in the West and in the East and the formation of religious and legal framework of Jewish life – the Talmud. The author explores Jewish history in close connection with the history of the surrounding nations, and shows how the great opposition of Rome and Persia influenced the split between the Palestinian and Babylonian Jewish centers. 

Language: Russian
ISBN: 978-5-9953-0290-2, 978-5-7516-1221-4
Published: 2013
Format: 7×10 Hardcover, 496 pp.

Социальная и религиозная история евреев Том 2 Древний мир: возникновение христианства

Сало У. Барон

Многотомная “Социальная и религиозная истории евреев” Сало У. Барона охватывает еврейскую историю от библейских времен до начала Нового времени. Барон последовательно развенчивает на страницах своей книги традиционное представление о еврейской истории, которую автор назвал “слезливой теорией”. Еврейская история, утверждает Барон, не сводится к постоянным гонениям и оплакиванию их жертв — ее важнейшей чертой является способность выжить и добиться процветания вопреки преследованиям. Один из ключевых моментов еврейской истории, подтверждающих эту идею, — эпоха Талмуда, который обеспечивал выживание евреев как народа в диаспоре и позволил им после утраты государственности сохранить свою идентичность. Второй том “Социальной и религиозной истории евреев” Сало У. Барона посвящен ключевому периоду становления еврейской цивилизации – началу существования в диаспоре на Западе и на Востоке и формированию религиозно-правовой основы еврейской жизни – Талмуда. Автор исследует еврейскую историю в тесной связи с историей окружающих народов и показывает, как великое противостояние Рима и Персии влияло на раскол между палестинским и вавилонским еврейскими центрами.

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Weight 1.8 lbs


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