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Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol. IV

Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol. IV


Salo Wittmayer Baron was described as “the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th century”.

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24 - 35 20% $30.36
36 - 53 25% $28.46
54 - 99 30% $26.57

Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol. IV


Salo Wittmayer Baron was described as “the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th century”.

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24 - 35 20% $30.36
36 - 53 25% $28.46
54 - 99 30% $26.57


By Salo Wittmayer Baron

‘A Social and Religious History of the Jews’ was published in 18 volumes between 1952 and 1983, by Columbia University Press (New York) in collaboration with the Jewish Publication Society of America (Philadelphia). 

Salo Wittmayer Baron (1895-1989) received rabbinical ordination at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Vienna in 1920, and earned three doctorates from the University of Vienna: in philosophy (1917), in political science (1922), and in law (1923). He began his teaching career at the Jewish Teachers College in Vienna in 1926. Baron was appointed Professor of Jewish History, Literature and Institutions at Columbia University in 1929, a position he held until his retirement in 1963.

Language: Russian
ISBN: 9785995303138
Published: 2015
Format: 7×10 Hardcover, 384 pp

Социальная и религиозная история евреев том IV Раннее Средневековье (500–1200): встреча Востока и Запада
Сало У. Барон

Четвертый том “Социальной и религиозной истории евреев” Сало У. Барона посвящен раннему периоду существования еврейской диаспоры в государствах Западной Европы. Социальные, политические и экономические процессы, происходившие в еврейских общинах этих стран в эпоху раннего и высокого Средневековья, рассматриваются в широком контексте европейской истории. Особое внимание в книге уделено крестовым походам и их влиянию на положение евреев Европы и Восточного Средиземноморья.

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Weight 1.5 lbs


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