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Talmud, Set of 4 Vol. [Талмуд Штрензальц, 4 тома]

Talmud, Set of 4 Vol. [Талмуд Штрензальц, 4 тома]


Talmud, Set of 4 Vol.

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Talmud, Set of 4 Vol. [Талмуд Штрензальц, 4 тома]


Talmud, Set of 4 Vol.

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Click an item below for more information:

Treasures of the Talmud – Introduction to Talmud
Treasures of the Talmud, Anthology of the Haggadah – Vol 1
Treasures of the Talmud, Anthology of the Haggadah – Vol 2
Treasures of the Talmud, Anthology of the Haggadah – Vol 3

The first book from a new series « the Treasury of the Talmud » into which 33 fragments from the text of the Babylon Talmud have entered. Selected by rabbi A.Shtejnzaltsem, they enable to get acquainted with the Jewish outlook. The book contains also both the comments traditional and written specially for this edition, a product of work of group of scientists, experts in the field of Judaism, and the comment of rabbi A.Shtejnzaltsa also made for this book.

Toward the Talmud

a few words about this edition

As written Torah in Judaism is unthinkable without the Oral Torah, Talmud so unthinkable without the use of numerous comments on the Talmud, created by the efforts of many generations of wise men for about a thousand years, and continuously replenished works of outstanding contemporary Talmud scholars. However, no matter how we want to introduce the reader to an exciting world of the Talmud, we realize that to achieve this with the help of translation is impossible. The goal we set for ourselves is more modest: to give some idea of the Talmud to the reader, far from the Jewish tradition, has received a secular education, educated within a culture. We would like to awaken in him a kind of initial interest, which can be an incentive for further serious study of the subject.

In an attempt to realize his plan, we decided to experiment. As soon as the Talmud is traditionally accompanied by commentary (page edition of the Talmud, the classic addition to the main text contains at least three or four different comments section), we found it possible and in the Russian-language edition to follow this tradition. But, as has been said, the translation of the classic comments for the unprepared reader – idea as pointless as it is hopeless. As a means of expression that could help Russian-speaking readers to make conversation with the Talmud we chosen scientific discourse. (To date, more or less obvious relativity “achievements” of science, especially humanity disciplines and precariousness of its claims to truth, but at the same time, it is impossible not to recognize that its language has become in our time perhaps the most common and convenient means of international and intercultural communication.) So, we have put together the team of Russian authors, members of the culture to which the media turned this volume – the people in the focus of the professional interests of which was the Talmud (each – with regard to the scope of its research activities) – and offered them comment on the text of this anthology. According to our plan, the starting point of these comments should not be the Talmud, and the areas of philology (“The language of the Talmud”), the history of philosophy (“From the History of Jewish Thought”), culture (“Ethics and Poetics”). These comments are certainly not designed to capture the essence of the Talmud (which is, perhaps, impossible), the authors attempt, using the approaches developed within certain areas of modern knowledge (so that the general convention and the way rasuzhdeny should be more or less familiar to the reader) chart a path toward the Talmud. And if the text of the translation, followed by notes and explanations, turned to its destination of inokulturnogo space, the task of these comments

– A bridge to the Talmud from the shore, on which the reader himself. It is a counter-movement appears to us to be very important and fruitful, despite the difficulty of such a move, and in it – the essence of our experiment. However, the reader should always keep in mind that “cuts through” those comments “window” in the Talmud

– Only “window”, but not the Talmud itself. Also, keep in mind, each of the TTS comments reflect the views of the author or of the school of which he represents. Expressed opinions and put forward the hypothesis does not uncontroversial and do not always coincide with the point of view of tradition And yet there is something traditional in this collection (perhaps the first izna initially written in Russian) comments on the Talmud: it’s so peculiar tion Talmudic literature, pluralism and open disputes, discussions.

The team that worked on this edition consists of people of different) mirovozrechenskih different views and positions. What united them – at <interest in the Talmud. And if it is possible to transfer this interest to the reader, then our] problem can be considered completed.

The second volume of the anthology was completed ten excerpts from treatises under “Nashim”.

The third volume contains nine pieces of two tracts of this section. In addition, it includes two standing somewhat apart, and partly overlapping each fragment: one containing elements of mysticism, from the treatise “Haghigha,” and another that represents a kind of Talmudic version of the novel of Alexander the Great, of the treatise Tamid. Another two fragments were taken from the treatise “Bawa Metzia”.

Книга содержит подборку разноплановых аггадических фрагментов из Вавилонского Талмуда.

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