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The Biblical Zoo [Библейский зоопарк]

The Biblical Zoo [Библейский зоопарк]


Writer, poet and translator Lenore Goralik living between Israel and Russia, tells in his book “Biblical Zoo” about “human trifles,” which makes it difficult, and sometimes bright difficult life in Israel – beautiful. “Responsible gophers”, “sensible kamelopardy”, “touching the penguins” and other amazing creatures invite the reader to look at Israel and the Israelis in the light of understanding, and love of irony.

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30 - 3920%$11.96
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60 - 9930%$10.47

The Biblical Zoo [Библейский зоопарк]


Writer, poet and translator Lenore Goralik living between Israel and Russia, tells in his book “Biblical Zoo” about “human trifles,” which makes it difficult, and sometimes bright difficult life in Israel – beautiful. “Responsible gophers”, “sensible kamelopardy”, “touching the penguins” and other amazing creatures invite the reader to look at Israel and the Israelis in the light of understanding, and love of irony.

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Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$11.96
40 - 5925%$11.21
60 - 9930%$10.47


By Linor Goralik

In this book Linor Goralik tells her readers about the “human trifles” which make the complex, colourful and sometimes hard life in Israel even better. “Responsible ground-squirrels”, “sensible kamelopards”, “touching pinguins” and other bewildering creatures welcome the reader to look at Israel and Israelis from the understanding, ironical and loving point of view.  

Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-9953-0190-5

Писатель, поэт и переводчик Линор Горалик, живущая между Израилем и Россией, рассказывает в книге “Библейский зоопарк” о “человеческих мелочах”, которые делают сложную, яркую и иногда непростую жизнь в Израиле – прекрасной. “Ответственные суслики”, “рассудительные камелопарды”, “трогательные пингвины” и другие удивительные существа приглашают читателя поглядеть на Израиль и израильтян сквозь призму понимания, иронии и любви.



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