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The complete Story of Purim [История праздника Пурим]

The complete Story of Purim [История праздника Пурим]


Based on the Megillah, Talmud and Midrash.

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30 - 3920%$2.36
40 - 5925%$2.21
60 - 9930%$2.07

The complete Story of Purim [История праздника Пурим]


Based on the Megillah, Talmud and Midrash.

In stock

Discount per Quantity

30 - 3920%$2.36
40 - 5925%$2.21
60 - 9930%$2.07


Read the fascinating story of Mordechai and Esther and their triumph over the treacherous Haman, based on the Megillah, Talmud and Midrash.

Buy this book together with other related books and save 15% off its original list price.

Format: 4×6 Paperback, 47 pp 
Language: Russian
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House

История праздника Пурим
Обворжительная история о триумфе Мордехая и Эстер над вероломным Аманом основанная на фактах из книг Талмуда, Мидрашей и Мегилы.


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