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The Mordechai Constellation

The Mordechai Constellation


Memoirs of a religious Bessarabian Jew who found refuge from the Nazis in the Soviet Union and made his way to Israel.

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24 - 3520%$11.16
36 - 5325%$10.46
54 - 9930%$9.77

The Mordechai Constellation


Memoirs of a religious Bessarabian Jew who found refuge from the Nazis in the Soviet Union and made his way to Israel.

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24 - 3520%$11.16
36 - 5325%$10.46
54 - 9930%$9.77


By Mordechai Luxemburg

Memoirs of a religious Bessarabian Jew who found refuge from the Nazis in the Soviet Union and made his way to Israel.

Format: 4.5×6.5 Paperback, 450 pp. 
Language: Russian
ISBN 13: 978-965-310-014-5 
ISBN 10: 965-310-014-9 
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House and SHAMIR

Созвездие Мордехая
Мемуары еврея из Бессарабии, который во время второй мировой войны нашел убежище в Советском Союзе. И оттуда прошел свою дорогу в Израиль и в еврейство со своей семьей.

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