Source material on woman’s place in Judaism.
Judaism has always associated the woman’s role with her place in the World to Come. This role is revealed in the book, And a Cloud Hovered Over Her Tent, whose title evokes our matriarchs, Sarah and Rebecca. The book contains fragments from the works of contemporary rabbis and thinkers devoted to a women?s place in Judaism.
The book will educate and fascinate its readers. Most importantly, it presents Judaism’s true perspective on the lofty and respected role of women in Judaism and an innovative approach to the traditional Jewish institution of marriage and family.
Compiled by G. Rozenstein.
Формат: 4.5×6.5 Hardcover, 226 pp.
Язык: Русский
ISBN 13: 978-0-86639-008-8
ISBN 10: 0-86639-008-1
Издатель: Издательский дом FREE и SHAMIR
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