Перевод известных хасидских историй, написанных раввином Шломо Йосефом Зевином.
B’Or Ha’Torah examines science, art, and modern life through the microscope and telescope of the scientist, the diagnosis of the physician, the algorithm of the mathematician, the discourse of the philosopher, the imagery of the artist, poet, and photographer, and the tested faith and learning of the Torah-observant Jew.
With an Interpolated Russian Translation and Commentary Based on the Works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Чумаш с комментариями Рамбана, комплект из 5 томов
Derech Mitzvosecha, Set of 4 Volumes [Дерех мицвотеха (Путь заповедей твоих) 4 томов]
Ein Yaakov is a collection of all the agaddah (the non-legal) material of the Talmud, compiled by Rabbi Yaakov ibn Chaviv.
The only encyclopedia documenting the thousands of years of Jewish presence in Russia.
Insightful interpretations of the weekly Torah readings.
«Агада Шель Песах», «Мегилат Эстер и история Пурима» и «Пиркей Авот – Этика наших отцов» в одном сборнике.
Ibn Ezra’s commentary constitutes a major contribution to Biblical exegesis. One cannot be considered a true student of the Bible without having studied it. Ibn Ezra’s works influenced all major Bible commentators.
Изучение книги Зоар очищает душу человека, приближает его к Творцу, даже если изучающий не разбирается в столь сложном древнем тексте.
Еврейский праздничный набор
The books provide basic knowledge for: Jewish Tradition, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Nation, acceptance of the Torah, synagogue, prayers and Israel.
The Rebbe’s Sichos transforms the landscape of Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, a thoughtfully translated Likkutei Sichos is accessible in Russian. These 2 volumes of Likkutei Sichos aligns with the five Chumashim, offering a multitude of profound and pertinent teachings related to the Parshah. Encompassing a wide array of the Rebbe’s teachings, from analytical interpretations to profound spiritual insights, the Rebbe’s teachings unveils insightful and multidimensional interpretations of the weekly Torah readings, the festivals and special events in the Jewish calendar.
Machzor for Rosh Hashana and Selichot & Machzor Yom Kippur – Sefardi.